加工定制:否 | 品牌:耶拿 | 型号:402-885.010 |
尺寸:标准 | 材质:特殊 |
货号402-885.010 耶拿燃烧管 ***
Combustion tube,outer diameter 26 mm
multi N/C series
effective from 01.01.2010
Priority Order number Description
( all types of instruments )
A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 g
recommended for multi N/C 3000/3100
A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refill
multi N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S
A 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)
Consumables multi N/C series
Analytik Jena AG, 15.12.2009 2 / 22 effective from 01.01.2010
B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 g
recommended for multi N/C 3000/3100
B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refills
multi N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S
A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packet
A 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber
( without connections )
A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 g
A 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)
402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trap
A 402-885.017 High-temperature mat, set of 3 pieces
B 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tube
multi N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIAL
B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 pieces
A 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)
A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)
A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 pieces
B 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml
402-815.819 O-ring; 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm; Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S ( Stopper )
A 402-823.056 Needle; 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces
A 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screw
A 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEK
A 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEK
A 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 pieces
multi N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 S
A 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, waste
A 402-885.010 Combustion tube
A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump
B 402-886.303 Syringe 100 μl with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x
0.35 mm (only for APG 60)
B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 μl with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)
A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 μl with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7
mm (only for APG 60)?
A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm; for all types of syringes, 3 pieces
multi N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 S
A 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler); 9.5 mm o.d.; 1 piece
B 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 μl with removable needle for manual injection
A 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 pieces
A 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S
B 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml
50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-sampler
A 402-889.050 Septum; 12.5 mm; set of 5 pieces
multi N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul
B 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 pieces
B 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces
( for sample rack with 112 positions )
402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100
A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 S
A 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100
B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 S
WEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module
402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 pieces